Barbara Lyons sold her house in New Jersey when she retired. Her son offered her a piece of his property in Leonard, Texas, and took her to Ulrich Cabins to find a safe haven and a cozy home.
She chose a 16×38 Bear Lake Cabin with an open living room and kitchen, one bedroom and a bathroom. “I wanted to have a nice little cabin that I could take care of, that I’d be comfortable in, and this fit the bill,” she says. She enlarged the cabin as much as possible. The size is easy to care for, but it’s also big enough for one or two people.
They chose a site close enough for the grandchildren to run over, but far enough away for both homes to have privacy. As a retiree, “Instead of actually living with your children, this works out much better,” Barbara says.
In the loft, “The grandchildren keep all their toys up there instead of downstairs under my feet,” Barbara smiles. The grandchildren romping through her Ulrich cabin show how solid and well constructed it is. Her days are filled with cross stitch, knitting, playing games with her grandchildren, and practicing piano.
Barbara loved that as soon as the cabin was delivered and the utilities were hooked up, she could move right into her Ulrich cabin. The whole process was smooth, with the team at Ulrich taking “care of any problems that did come up.”
“I like the all wood look, because wood gives you that warm feeling. The smell of the cedar is very comforting,” Barbara says. “It’s a safe haven for me.”